Although performance fabrics treated with PreFixx protective finish are resistant to most common stains, the dyes and pigments in some staining agents have the ability to create a permanent stain if not treated properly. To clean difficult stains from upholstery treated with PreFixx protective finish, locate the staining agent in the list below and follow the corresponding recommended cleaning method. For best results, treat all stains immediately. To determine the method and type of cleaners, the source of the stain should be identified.
Staining Agents: Baby oil, ketchup, chocolate, motor oil, olive oil, grape juice, urine, blood, hair oil, tonic, tea, coffee and betadine.
- Cleaning Method #1: Use Formula 409 All-Purpose Spray Cleaner or Fantastik Spray Cleaner with a soft cloth or damp sponge. Rinse area with fresh water then dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Staining Agents: Eye Shadow, crayon, grease, tobacco tar (nicotine), yellow mustard and lipstick.
Cleaning Method #1: Use Formula 409 All-Purpose Spray Cleaner or Fantastik Spray Cleaner with a soft cloth or damp sponge. Rinse area with fresh water then dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.
If stain persist, use Cleaning Method #2: Use a solvent-type cleaner such as rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol). Rinse cleaned area with fresh water then dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. If the stain persists after six rubs, the stain has set and probably cannot be removed. Rinse cleaned area with fresh water, then dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.